Big Fish Local 

Home Pro 
With Seth Evans

At Big Fish Local, we love to develop websites from scratch and fiddle with ideas until we find the right one to suit your company’s needs and business goals. However, if you have an existing website and simply want to develop a better outline, we also offer suggestions and analytics on how to increase user engagement and generate more organic traffic to your site.

Our website development plan includes a custom professional website that is designed and optimized for the best customer experience. Your website is the backbone of your company and usually the first representation of your business for online clients. It needs to be an engaging piece of content with elements that excite and inform users of how you can solve their immediate problems.

  • Digital Marketing ·

Spring Marketing Trends: What’s New This Season

As the digital landscape continually evolves, staying abreast of the latest marketing innovations is crucial for businesses aiming to maintain a competitive edge. April has brought a fresh wave of digital marketing tools, platforms, and strategies, signaling exciting shifts in how brands engage with their audiences. At Big Fish Local, we’re committed to informing you about these developments and guiding you to leverage them for…
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  • Marketing Strategies ·

Mobile Marketing for Outdoor and On-the-Go Audiences

With the arrival of warmer spring weather, more consumers are shedding their winter coats and stepping outside, increasing the importance of mobile marketing strategies that cater to an on-the-go lifestyle. At Big Fish Local, we specialize in crafting mobile marketing campaigns that resonate with active outdoor audiences, ensuring that your message reaches them wherever their adventures may take them. Let’s explore how you can optimize…
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Leveraging LinkedIn: B2B Marketing Strategies for Spring Growth

As businesses shake off the winter chill and look toward the rejuvenation of spring, the opportunity for growth and expansion blooms, particularly in the B2B (business-to-business) sector. LinkedIn, the premier professional social media platform, stands out as a fertile ground for B2B marketing strategies to foster connections, generate leads, and drive spring business growth. At Big Fish Local, we specialize in harnessing the power of…
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  • Marketing Strategies ·

April Fools’ Day Marketing: Fun Ways to Celebrate Online

April Fools’ Day offers a unique opportunity for brands to show off their lighter side and engage with their audience in a fun, memorable way. In the digital age, the scope for April Fools’ Day pranks and campaigns is vast, allowing businesses to get creative online. At Big Fish Local, we understand the balance between fun and professionalism, ensuring your April Fools’ Day marketing efforts…
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  • Reputation Management ·

Helping Contractors Harness the Power of Online Reviews

As the flowers bloom and homeowners embark on their spring cleaning and renovation projects, the demand for contractors in plumbing, electrical work, and HVAC services sees a significant uptick. In this season of renewal, the importance of online reviews in shaping a contractor’s reputation and attracting new business cannot be overstated. At Big Fish Local, we specialize in helping contractors maximize the potential of online…
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  • Digital Marketing ·

Navigating the Ides of March: Crisis Management in Digital Marketing

The Ides of March, historically known for the assassination of Julius Caesar, serves as a stark reminder of the unforeseen crises that can emerge, altering the course of history. In digital marketing, crises can strike at any moment, whether it’s a social media mishap, a PR nightmare, or an advertising blunder. At Big Fish Local, we believe in preparing and arming businesses with strategies to…
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  • Marketing Strategies ·

Spring Cleaning Checklist: Marketing Edition

As the seasons change and we welcome the rejuvenation of spring, it’s the perfect time for businesses to do some digital spring cleaning. Just like your home or office, your digital presence can accumulate clutter over time, making it less effective and potentially driving customers away. At Big Fish Local, we understand the importance of maintaining a tidy and efficient online presence. Here’s a comprehensive…
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  • Digital Marketing ·

Women’s History Month: Celebrating Female Leadership in Digital Marketing

March is Women’s History Month, a time to celebrate the vital role of women in history and contemporary society. In the digital marketing industry, numerous women have made groundbreaking contributions, revolutionizing how businesses connect with their audiences. At Big Fish Local, we recognize and celebrate the achievements of these trailblazing women. Let’s highlight three influential figures who have left an indelible mark on the digital…
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  • Digital Marketing ·

Adapting Your Digital Strategy for Leap Year

Every four years, February gifts us an extra day – February 29th, a unique occurrence that presents an exceptional opportunity for digital marketing. In leap years, this bonus day is a golden chance for businesses to get creative with their digital strategies. At Big Fish Local, we are always looking for innovative ways to help our clients stand out. Let’s dive into how to make…
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  • Marketing Strategies ·

Maximizing Mobile Marketing: Strategies for the Shortest Month

February may be the shortest month of the year, but it’s packed with potential for businesses looking to maximize their mobile marketing strategies. In today’s digital age, mobile presence is crucial for reaching and engaging customers. At Big Fish Local, we specialize in creating mobile marketing strategies that are both effective and efficient. Let’s explore the best practices for optimizing your mobile marketing in February,…
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  • Content ·

Leveraging Love: Valentine’s Day Marketing Strategies for Digital Success

Valentine’s Day is a time when love is in the air, and for businesses, it’s an opportunity to connect with customers in a unique and heartfelt way. Embracing this occasion with creative digital marketing tactics can significantly boost engagement and sales. At Big Fish Local, we specialize in crafting strategies that capitalize on seasonal events like Valentine’s Day. Let’s explore how to use social media…
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Engaging Social Media Ideas Beyond Valentine’s Day

February is often synonymous with Valentine’s Day, but there’s so much more to this month that can be leveraged for creative and engaging social media content. At Big Fish Local, we understand the power of diversifying your social media strategy to connect with your audience uniquely and meaningfully. Let’s dive into some thematic content ideas for February that go beyond Valentine’s Day and can help…
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