Are you in the middle of your career, or perhaps just starting it out, and considering making a transition into digital marketing? If so, you might be wondering if web design is a good career choice. We think so and have four reasons why it might be right for you.
Design is how it looks
First, do you have a talent for making things look good? If so, then web design might be the next step in your career. Website design is twofold, and the first of those components is how it looks. Visually unappealing sites, even if they are functionally built correctly, will turn visitors away.
Throughout both of these first two reasons, we’re focusing on the user experience. Understanding details such as how fonts and colors communicate a message to the reader will help you as a web designer. In addition, striking the right emotional balance in imagery is another useful skill set for a website designer.
More importantly, design is how it works
However, for as much as we’ve just focused on the way a website looks, how it functions is equally important. Steve Jobs has been credited with the saying, “Design isn’t just how it looks; it’s how it works.” In other words, form over function will only get you so far if a site lacks the correct coding.
And, good web design extends to the smaller details too. Catching things such as broken links, overlapping responsive elements, and building mobile tap points are all part of the role of a website designer.
If you have an eye for what looks good and you have an understanding of how something should function mixed with a keen sense of detail, then you may belong in the exciting field of website development.
CSS, PHP, and other acronyms
There are other, more complex pieces of a website build. Those are your CSS (often referred to as your stylesheet), SQL, PHP, and HTML. They’re interwoven together, with PHP scripts often acting as the template for the integration of SQL databases, HTML coding, and your CSS styling.
So, if you’re thinking to yourself, “I love the technical side of things”, then take a look at W3Schools. Spend some time learning about the coding side of website design. If it excites you, then it also means you may enjoy taking the visual design and building code that brings it to life.
The need for website developers
In a recent blog, we discussed the role AI would play in SEO. The reality is that website design isn’t going to disappear overnight. Even as AI becomes a larger part of our daily lives, there will always be the need for website developers who can transform ideas into functional sites.
Website design and your company
This expected growth is just one reason why we’ve continued to focus on website design as one of our primary core services. If your team is looking for someone who can handle all of the above and more for your company, then contact us to schedule a call. We’ll go over your needs and put together a project scope to prepare for your next website rollout!